Is Lead Still An Issue this Holiday Season?

I recently did a radio interview with Richard Davies at ABC Radio. Richard commented that I was in a much better mood this holiday season.  I do feel lighter this season–after a couple of years of being worried about the safety of toys being marketed and sold to children.  The government is continuing to phase in the stricter testing requirements.  We are also really pleased that companies across the board are complying with our safety standards (we have taken the end point of the federal regulations and made them a prerequisite for companies submitting toys to us). So yes, I am a whole bunch happier this year.  Are there still safety issues?  Yes.  We still take issue with small pieces that “just” pass the choke tube test…or pull toys that no longer have a safety break-away  feature…or wooden toys with splinters…or smelly and excessively noisy toys…you get the idea.

But it is important that we have safety groups that are still spot checking. The CEH (Center for Environmental Health) have recently released some testing that found unsafe levels of lead in children’s products.  The non-profit is offering free toy testing in its Oakland office during the holiday season. For more info, visit

While we do not independently test each toy we review, we do require companies to submit and sign a safety verification form.  We looking forward to the day when we  no longer need such a form.


Worth Taking a Look: Take Your Pix Board Book Photo Album

Just got a sample of Take Your Pix Board Book Photo Album from  Made of very sturdy stock, you can load (and change) the photos in this book for your toddler to enjoy!   Toddlers love looking at pictures of the people and pets in their world.  The company was started by Laura Miranti- who created one of these books to help her daughter with a speech delay.  I love hearing these types of light bulb moments. Top GREEN Toys for 2009

Green toys used to mean a recycling truck here or there…or a paper maker, but now there are many toys that are either manufactured with a green mandate or promote a positive green message to kids.  The biggest trend are dolls made from organic materials–not all created equal in our book.  Green shouldn’t have to mean scratchy or boring in design or color.  Happily we received many that found the right blend of green and whimsy!  The other big category — trucks…many made of recycled materials – were a real draw to our testers.  Then there are the throw back toys–my personal favorite, the wind-up FM Radio.

Here’s the list of our Top Green Toys for 2009. Complete reviews on our our site, Click on the toy name to read our rating/review.


Eco Trucks (Sprig Toys)

Dump Truck (Green Toys)

Playmobil Recycling Truck (Playmobil)

PushAlong Hybrid Car (ImagiPLAY)

Building Toys

Plan Toys Build ‘n Spin (Plan Toys)

Citiblocs (Citiblocs)

Dolls and Dollhouse

blabla Dolls (blablakids)

Organic Joobles (Fair Indigo)

Earth Mates (Mary Meyer)

Plan Toys Green Dollhouse (Plan Toys)

Other Green Toys of Interest

Crayola Crayon  Maker (Crayola)

Elia Mini Chair (

Ecotronics Radio (International Playthings)

Ecotronics Mr. Robot Head (International Playthings)

The Secret of Being 101

I spent some time with my friend’s 101 year old grandmother this week. Sadly, her son-in-law had passed away after a really long battle with cancer.

I’ve always liked this woman. She reminds me of my own grandmother who I miss so much.   My friend’s grandmother is sharp, funny, and has sparkling blue eyes that are stunning even now.

So I asked– so what’s the secret of being 101?


“Poker?” not thinking I heard her correctly.

“Yes, poker. I love to play poker.”

Turns out that a group of 70 year olds  that live in her building invited her to play poker with them once a week. She loves all types of poker and prefers it to Bridge any day.

“It’s really about having friends” she continued.  She explained that once her husband died, she moved and then didn’t have any friends.  It was very lonely…but then this one woman down the hall invited her to join the game.  She laughs that while this group of women (all comparatively much younger)  complain about their aches and pains, she doesn’t.  “What’s the point?”

So my take away….learn poker, don’t complain, and Carol King hit it on the head,  “you’ve got to have friends.”

What Kind of Games Does Your Family Play?

When I think about my childhood–so many of my memories have to do with playing games…those I played with my grandparents (Dominoes and card games), my parents (Clue, Facts of Five) and those I played with my friends (Spit, War, Monopoly).

I never got into the epic games of Risk or Diplomacy that my older brothers would play with their friends…there were too many rules, it took too long…and I was never invited actually.

As I’m in full holiday toy mode now, I’d recommend that you bring home at least one game.  I love that non-video, non-tv, non-blackberry moment of playing a game with your kids.  As everyone gets older, it gets even harder to carve out those moments, but well worth it in the end. We have a list of new games under $20 — and of course many more on our site for every age, budget and interest.


Fans of Calico Critters…a new site

If your child is in the Calico Critters zone, we wanted to let you know that there is now a new website,

From the press release:

“This newly reformatted website promotes a fully interactive experience, features print-out activities, and allows for integration within social media,” said Cyndee Dalton, senior brand manager at International Playthings LLC.   “We hope that this website offers new and veteran Calico Critters fans the opportunity to experience Cloverleaf Corners unlike ever before.”

The website, which is set to music, includes a link to the Calico Critters YouTube page, which allows children to view 20 different videos that bring animal families and activities to life. Interested users can link these videos directly to their own personal Facebook and Twitter pages.


We’ve been long time fans of the Calico Critter line…we gave their Townhome an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum Award in 2006.  Click here to read our review.

In honor of the day…13 Great Games (all under $20!)

Rec_ABCBeautyWhile we usually like lists of five or a dozen, we realized today’s list of 13 Top Games Under $20 was meant to be!  Happy Friday the 13th.  Read our reviews at

The games included are:

Richard Scarry’s Busytown Eye Found It Game (I Can Do That Games)

Rainbow Race (International Playthings)

Scrabble Slam Card Game (Parker Brothers)

Appletters (Bananagrams)

Yamslam (Blue Orange Games)

Pairs in Pears (Bananagrams)

eeBoo Fairytale Game (eeBoo)

Ring-0 Flamingo (Gamewright)

Uno Moo! (Mattel)

Too Many Monkeys (Gamewright)

I Spy Flip 5 Games (Briarpatch)

Dr. Seuss Super Stretch ABC Game (I Can Do That Games)

Curious George Discovery Beach Game (I Can Do That Games)

Pick of the Day: Crayola Glow Station

Rec_glowcrayolaI was driving home yesterday in the dark and as we got caught in traffic…I started thinking about one of my favorite toys that I wished I had in the car.  There’s something about being caught in traffic that brings out my inner eight year old.   Last year’s Platinum Award winner, the Crayola Glow Station.  Read our complete review.

What's in a date?

I was coming downtown yesterday and saw an ad on top of a taxi for the new show, Men of a Certain Age, with Ray Romano, Scott Bakula, and Andre Braugher (who was just so good on House — you wish he could be a regular). Let’s put aside for the moment that my son has no memory of Quantum Leap….makes sense but still you forget how fleeting pop cultural is from generation to generation.

The date for the show is December 7th. So?  You know,  the date that “will live in infamy”.

Of course this is the day that our nation was brought into World War II with the attack on Pearl Harbor…but the meaning of that date seems to have been lost. It certainly wasn’t in the discussion at the marketing department at TNT.

Can you imagine a big show being launched on September 11th?

Even though I was an American History major–I didn’t understand the extreme upset when I told my parents and in-laws that my older son’s due date was going to be December 7th.  “Change it!” they all shouted at once.  It wasn’t until we lived through the horror of 9/11 in the nyc that I really understood their collective upset.  December 7th was a day that forever changed their childhoods.

I wonder how long it will be before September 11th fades as a “date” that makes us all sigh and remember where we were.
