Remember Steiff?

While I was shopping yesterday… the store was playing the theme from Knots Landing. I started laughing.  The young woman offering to help me asked me if I knew what the song was from…”Yes, but you’re not old enough to!”…. She laughed…I gave the whole background…Knots Landing…spin off…Dallas…

There are more moments like this as we get older—generational markers– where you realize that you’re in a business meeting and that no one knows the reference to the original Batman tv show. Of course we get this with our kids.  My boys only knew Paul Newman from salad dressing (sad–and prompted a Paul Newman mini-movie marathon).

In any case, Steiff, best known for producing the first “Teddy” bear…after President Roosevelt – has missed a few generations of kids.  As a very young child, I had a Steiff pony…really one of my all time favorite toys.  I’ve written about him before–but he was really magical. He had wheels so I would have great adventures with him in our playroom…zooming around.  Here he is on the day I got him…(with my brother).


Since we’ve started the toyportfolio–my mother and I would pass the Steiff booth at toy fair.  We would always discuss my pony and the little teddy bear that sat near the kitchen window.  Sadly –both were destroyed by the fire that took our family home. We would stop and look but not go in–knowing that Steiff was really more about collectors and not something for our testers.

So we were pretty excited to receive a decidedly soft teddy bear from Steiff…it came in a lovely box – complete with the signature metal button in his ear.  The company has a renewed commitment to making dolls that are affordable ($28 and up)…so we’re looking forward to seeing the new products.  Of course there are still going to be deliciously over the top little treasures like this bunny …complete with a cashmere sweater (yes, she’s pretty price..over $100)…steiffbunnybut still…