Spin Art–a favorite

I was talking to one of the moms at the Today Show — and she mentioned that her kids are having the best time with an old fashion Spin Art set.  I love Spin Art…I haven’t tested any of the sets on the market for several years–they come and go….but after 18 years of testing toys–I still get excited when they introduce a new version.

I’m not sure why it’s such a satisfying experience–maybe it’s the surprise and almost instantaneous results that pulls me in.  I remember feeling so happy that my kids loved it too.

I have a similar  soft spot for Lite Brite — maybe it’s the toys you played with in that 5-6 year old zone where you feel that sense of accomplishment–mastery in a task for the first time. Both toys are for big kids…I liked that too.

So let me know if you’ve had the same experience with the Spin Art—and if you’ve liked any of the recent variations.