Dora…she really did it!

If you have a child that’s a fan of Dora, this doll may be of interest. Dora dances and sings.  She’s the original Dora–not the older Dora that was rolled out last year.  Dancing dolls like this one (and there are many of them this year) are pure novelty.  They’re not soft so they do not double as a huggable — they are a push the button and see what I can do kind of toy.  These types of toys have there place if your budget allows…and your child is completely into a character.  That said–when I brought home an Elmo doll long ago (even before he was Tickle Me Elmo)…my then toddler went to the tv with his Elmo doll and started to swing it at the set. Elmo, as far as he was concerned, needed to get back in the tv.  So — even though many of these toys are highly promoted and many kids will LOVE them…don’t be surprised if some run in the opposite direction.

For the record, I much prefer Dora as a doll–than Dora as a kitchen…Dora the talking kitchen was too out there for me.  To watch the video, click here.