What Crossed my Desk today…Yet another Pile of Poop (really)

Dinosaur Train Dino Poop from Uncle Milton

Remember that episode of Seinfeld where George decides to do everything the opposite of what he would normally do…and his world turned around for him. I kind of feel like someone is playing George at the moment. Actually several people, since this is the second poop toy to reach my desk in the last month. Someone said what’s the best toy we can make about dinosaurs…and then let’s try to do the opposite!

Poop makes kids (and their parents laugh) and if you read even a small percentage of parenting blogs, you realize how many adults become obsessed with all things poop.  So this toy may be a huge hit.  I just need to share some of the hilarious slogans on the packaging.  I would have loved to have been in on the brainstorming session for this one!

Dino Poop is  part of the Dinosaur Train line from Uncle Milton.  More specifically, the poop is from   a Carnivore in this particular…toy.


Here is what the package says:

“Collect them all”…because you can never have enough poop I guess.

“Play with it again and again!” …I have no words,  I’m just laughing so hard.

“What’s in the poop?” …really?

A pile of "poop" with fossils to discover!

So in reality, it is a piece of clay with “fossils” buried in the “poop” for your child to discover.  Targeted at four year olds, if you buy this product…I would suggest having the conversation about why we don’t explore our own poop.