We’ve listened and listened and the results are in…read our reviews of this year’s Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Platinum and Gold Seal Award Winners. Congrats!
toyportfolio.com featured on ABC Radio
It’s a new day, you can watch us on the radio with ABC’s Richard Davies. Click here to watch and listen!
Pick of the Day: Acting Out Swan Lake Musical Skirt
We’re huge fans of these skirts from Acting Out that come with a motion activated music box. Our six year old tester got inventive with the music box and played musical chairs with her parents. Click here to see our full review. We’ve added this one to our Platinum List for 2009.
Cir*kis vs. Blokus
We just tried out the new Cir*kis from Hasbro. Much like the strategy game Blokus (originally with Educational Insights but now distributed by Mattel), Cir*kis has a grid platform and you play with plastic pieces. Blokus is much more straightforward and fun to play. See our full review. Cir*kis is more complicated–you’re not blocking your opponent but making your own circles and stars and keeping track with pegs. It’s just not as elegant a game.
Our new friend, Mr. Robot
Given what we do at the toyportfolio.com, I rarely buy toys. But this little wind up guy had me at the first twist. So I’ve adopted him as our mascot for this season. My kids love to make fun of the way I mispronounce robot…comes out robutt. In anycase, he’s a very happy little guy. You can watch his first dance here.
If you like word games, check out Word On the Street…
If word games are your thing, you’ll enjoy the new twist provided by Word on the Street by Out of the Box. Read our complete review. We’re giving this one an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award. Loads of fun for the 12 and up crowd.
In honor of the House Vote on Health Care…Consensus Junior
Last night at eleven o’clock democracy was in action. The House took a historic vote on health care reform–broadcast on all the cable shows. For a brief moment, the procedure of law making had spilled over from CSPAN to a larger audience. No matter how you come out on health care reform, the picture of all of our law makers battling it out all day and finally taking the vote has to make you pause. Warts and all, it’s a pretty amazing country to live in.
I’m not just feeling patriotic today–there is a toy connection here, I promise.
Consensus Junior Edition by Mindlogic is a fun, engaging game that is all about consensus building (with a little language thrown in). How’s that for a concept in a nation that usually trumpets individuality? Read our complete review of this newly award winning (Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Award) game.
Five Fantastic Construction Toys
Construction toys should be part of every* child’s toy experience. You’ll find that kids develop preferences to building materials–go with it. Our advice is always to start with smaller sets –building your child’s confidence about what they can do rather than frustrating them with a bigger set.
Here are five of our favorites. Click on the toy name to read our full review from www.toyportfolio.com
Lego Star Wars Collection Lego Systems
Plan Toys Build n Spin (Plan Toys)
Wedgits Pink & Purple Activity Tote (ImagAbility)
*Here’s my daily plug about bringing home building sets to girls…it’s important for their math skills down the road. We want them to excel in math and engineering…it starts with building with construction toys.
Pick of the Day: Bejeweled Bead Chest from Bead Bazaar
A truly special gift for school age girls who will love both the wood chest and the painted wooden beads that come with it. Read our review. This company makes lovely sets that always appeal to our tween, teen and adult testers.
Thinking Green Toys
Looking at all of the nominees for our Green Toy List! So happy that there are so many choices this year!