Alex and Mr. Robot in the Today Show Green Room
My wonderful toy tester Alex and I arrived just as Susan Boyle was arriving. We hurried in — ahead of her entourage. I heard her — what a distinct voice! We then went to the Green Room which was pretty crowded today. Senator Chuck Schumer was there as was “That Girl” Marlo Thomas. (Or as other people know her- Rachel Green’s mother on Friends.) As I was getting hair and make-up done (the best folks on the planet!) , Susan Boyle was rehearsing. Every time she sings, people just stop talking and listen. It’s pretty incredible. I kept thinking where she was two years ago–and now all of this fame around the world. She joked with the audience that was already there–she seems to be in the moment and enjoying herself.
My segment today was part of a whip–where they have several experts talk on the same subject. One of the toys we had was the Mindflex Game which Alex demo’ed on air–no small feat when you have a room full of cameras, stage managers and oh yes, millions of people watching at home–but he did it!! I was really so proud of him. As we were leaving –Susan Boyle was about to sing. I asked if he wanted to stay and listen—but he’s 11 — and he had no interest. Not really her demographic!

Alex outside at the Today Show as Susan Boyle is getting ready to sing.