Three Biggest Toy Buying Mistakes

This holiday…try not to fall into these traps
Big Box Theory – Big isn’t necessarily better. Especially with building sets, if you have a beginning builder – start small. The idea is for them to enjoy the project, not watch an adult do it.
I Remember When Gifts.Yes, I’m sure you loved play an epic game of Risk or Monopoly…but chances are you were more than five years old. The same is true of your beloved Chemistry Set.  Toys should be age appropriate for right now not only for safety reasons, but because you want kids to build their sense of confidence through play. Toys that require your child to grow into them can lead to frustration.

Only Novelty.   Buying only novelty toys or all of the same type of toy will likely result in an early chorus of “I’ve got nothing to play with!”  Be sure to bring home a variety of playthings that will be enjoyed all year long. With 60% of toy dollars spent this time of year, it’s important to bring home toys that have staying power.

Visit our site at for reviews of this year’s Platinum and Gold Winners. We also review toys for kids with special needs.  They receive our SNAP Award.

2 thoughts on “Three Biggest Toy Buying Mistakes

  1. Oppenheim Toyportfolio has never failed me! I value their opinions, thoughts, and suggestions. Yes, as a child I played games which have left me with many happy memories, and wanted to pass that along, but reading the “I Remember Gifts” I realized my grand kiddies are way to young. The frustration I feel that they will endure will sour the intentions of enjoyment.
    Don’t rush just to please one’s memories, enjoy the age of your child, grandchild, the appropriate time will come.

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