Bed Bugs- in toyland

Bed Bugs (the game!)

Every time I turn on the tv, there’s a new report of where bug bugs are now…forget tacky hotels, they’re now everywhere it seems (stores, movie theaters).  The old expression “sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite” doesn’t seem like a cute little thing to say to your kids as you turn off the lights.  I’m itchy just thinking about it.

Bed Bugs are also in toyland!  This week I got a new updated version of the classic game Bed Bugs (now from Patch Products). The game was first released by Milton Bradley in 1985.

The game is still fun (if you can get over the current hype about the real bugs).  Comes with a bed that’s just hopping with bed bugs, literally (the bed is motorized so the bugs really do move about). The youngest player calls out a color and then it’s a free for all where all players are trying to get those colored bugs out of the bed with a tong.

Wonder if the current epidemic will help or hurt the sales of this classic game.

2 thoughts on “Bed Bugs- in toyland

  1. I’d guess help because the kids are now all talking about bugs & exterminators all the time. It’s part of their life vocabulary in a new way. They will want to play. But parent will be creeped out.

  2. Was going to get the Wok and Roll, but this is much funnier. Both reinforce fine motor and hand/eye, and etc…. but seeing is how this is a current issue here in NYC, I must have it 🙂 Can be use too to in the classroom as a light way to jump into a serious issue here.

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