Wackiest Toy of the Day: SplatBack!


Just as I was leaving Javits today, there was a crowd at one booth.  I was really ready to go and had very little battery left in my iphone, but I had to know what the buzz was all about.

Here’s what I found…people throwing down splat balls that would completely flatten and then over the course of a few seconds reform into their original shape.  I’ve never seen them before. I just visited their website www.splatback. com and apparently they sell these toys in vending machines–so maybe you’ve all seen them already–but in any case, they were pretty cool. There is a woman in the video asking about safety-and she is assured by the vendor that they meet all safety requirements.  Note, we haven’t tested these yet or gone through our safety verification process, but I think they’re pretty neat.  Watch the video, it’s really short..but you’ll get the idea.

Trying to remember which Star Trek series had a shape shifter…

0 thoughts on “Wackiest Toy of the Day: SplatBack!

  1. Thank you Becca…It was really driving me crazy. i got to Deep Space Nine during the night–but could not remember Odo! Not a nerd in my book! Thanks again!

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