How you can help:

The day of the earthquake I was in my husband’s office (Andover Fabrics- they produce beautiful fabrics for quilters).  While we were talking about what we could do, Cliff Quibell (his amazing VP!) shared a book with me about the organization  This non-profit has been working with women in Haiti – teaching them quilting techniques and then helping them sell their quilts.  The book about their quilts and a recent exhibit took my breath away – a stunning collection of vibrant quilts and the stories of the women who created them. We all wondered, how these women and their families were…did they survive?  We were also amazed to hear that one of the volunteers had been at the airport in New Jersey that morning on a scheduled flight to Haiti–bringing more supplies with her for the program. Her plane had mechanical difficulties–and thankfully never took off.  Goose bump time..right?

Please take a moment and visit the site–the group of volunteers in the states has mobilize their efforts with their contacts in Haiti. If you’re like me, you want to help–but sometimes feel at a loss to make a real difference.  Here’s an opportunity to help families that so far have been out of the reach of the international relief efforts. They need our help.

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